The project

The project “D.I.S.CO.R.S.I. Migranti. Interregional Dialogue on Services in the field of migrant Integration services in the areas of Housing, Health and Job/Competencies certification in Piedmont, Auvergne-RhôneAlpes and Catalonia Regions (Project 275 – CUP H19D17000780005)” is an initiative implemented by Consorzio delle Ong Piemontesi within the European programme “Fund on Asylum, Migration and Integration(FAMI 2014-2020) – Specific Objective 2 Legal Migration and Integration – National Objective 3 Capacity Building – Promotion of exchanges on integration politics developed in Italy and other EU Countries. 

Submitted in MArch 2016 within the Public Call Avviso pubblico presentazione progetti da finanziare con fondo FAMI – Avviso territoriale per la promozione del confronto tra le politiche per l’integrazione sviluppate in Italia e in altri Stati membri , D.I.S.CO.R.S.I. Migranti  started on the 15th May 2017 and will finisch in June 2018.

The overall objective of the project is to contribute to improving the hosting and integration services for migrant residents in Piedmont in the fields of housing, health and jobs/competencies certification through a process of dialogue and interregional cooperation between institutional actors and civil society in Piedmont, Auvergne-RhôneAlpes and Catalonia Regions, which will lead, on the one hand, to analyze and share the respective models and experiences, experimenting innovations in Piedmont, and on the other to strengthen the role of migrant association in interact with local institutions that offer such services.

The specific objectives of the project D.I.S.Co.R.S.I. Migranti are

  • to improve the hosting and integration services for migrants living in Piedmont through research / action interventions in the three European regions, identifying good practices and particularly innovative service models that will lead to Piedmont’s concrete experimentation of new methodologies.
  • to promote the strengthening and active role of migrant associations in Piedmont, and their dialogue with local actors providing hosting and integration services, as well as their role in facilitating access to services by their respective Associative members (single associates and their families)
  • to promote the emergence of exchange and knowledge pathways between migrant associations in Piedmont and organized migrant communities in France and Spain, whose relations will be promoted and facilitated through the existence of historical relationships between co-ordination of associations of the world of international cooperation (COP, RESACOOP, e SOS Racisme)
  • To promote the networking of the relationship between the three regions involved in international cooperation activities (carried out by NGOs, regional and local authorities) with the countries of origin of the most significant migrant communities (for Piedmont, in particular Morocco, Albania, Senegal, Peru) with the aim to launch a dialogue about ongoing processes (incoming and outgoing flows) as well as models of enhancement of the professional and training skills belonging to migrants.

The project will be developed into four specific phases:

Phase 1. Comparative analysis in Piedmont, RhôneAlpes and Catalonia. Realization of three researches in Piedmont, three in Catalonia and three in the Auvergne-RhôneAlpes Region on the issues covered by the project.

Phase 2. Organization of international events

  • an international event in Turin to share research and good practices emerging and to promote dialogue between migrant associations, institutions, the third sector and world of international cooperation between the three regions.
  • organization of 2 Study Tours, in Lyon and Barcelona, to allow some Piedmontese representatives to visit and confront best practices.
  • Final Seminar, with institutional cut, to present the project results and publicly formalize models / agreements / innovations borrowed in the 3 ambitions of FR and SP.

Phase 3. Experimentation in Piedmont, with methodologies of research / action, of methodological innovations in the provision of services

Phase 4. Promoting and strengthening the role of migrant associations in Piedmont

  • Organization of 6 workshops (2 per thematic area) addressed to the representatives of immigrant associations
  • Implementation of 9 training meetings between representatives of migrant associations and territorial services.

A multimedia product will be finally realised in order to spread the best practices and effective models of hosting / integration services emerging from the researches.